
Showing posts from March, 2023

Cassette Tapes - Communication Technology

Before Airpods and Beats, the world was taken by storm by the creation of cassette tapes, an invention created for home recordings and dictation, which later had a bigger impact in the audio world. In 1935, reel-to-reel recording tapes were invented. At the time of their invention, they were only used in large recording studios and radio stations. In their early years, they were so large, they took up the length of an entire table, making them much less desirable as they would be in their prime. Following the first versions of the cassette tape, in 1958, the first reversible cassette tape was released, with a much smaller size (about the size of a typical video cassette). Though people never paid it too much attention, it began to pave  the way for the newer versions of the technology. In 1962, the first compact audio cassette was invented by Lou Ottens and his team at Phillips Technology Company. These cassettes became the standard for this invention and ultimately began licensing th

Eight Values of Free Expression

  Free Expression is a right that we as an American Society hold in high value. The acting rule in our Government is created by the  First Amendment  which reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abiding the freedom of speech, of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." This amendment is essential to our working society, but it is often unlawfully threatened by members of the Government. As Americans, it is not only our responsibility, but it is our duty to hold the Government responsible for the violations they commit to our laws and to check the power that they obtain to ensure they are not taking advantage of its authority.  To maintain a working understanding of Free Expression and its importance to our society, Americans are responsible for understanding eight essential values. These eight values all hold their ow


  SCOTUS background The present-day Supreme Court of the United States otherwise referred to as "SCOTUS" is a court made up of nine justices that serve until they die or retire. They obtain the highest level of authority in regard to any and all laws of the United States of America and they are in charge of evaluating the constitutionality of those laws. This Judicial Branch is also tasked with the duty to monitor the Executive and Legislative Branches of the Government.  Learned Information Regarding SCOTUS One thing that I learned by further looking into the Early Supreme Court is that there were originally only six justices instead of nine. George Washington signed the Judiciary Act of 1789, which created the foundation for our current system, allowing six justices to serve on this court until death or their choice to retire. This court had its first meeting on February 2, 1790, after the first meeting was rescheduled due to transportation difficulties of some of the Justi


    The Internet is a beautiful and exciting array of ideas, art, culture, and anything else imaginable. It is a system created to boost socializing and spreading of new and old information. It can be an amazing thing, but it can also have many negative impacts both individually and as a whole. For example, many social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. participate in a step-by-step process in order to turn violating privacy into a business model. One of these processes is called digital dossiers, a process in which companies will keep track of all the tabs and information relating to an individual and sell it a hundred times over to create revenue. This process is slightly known among the public, in the sense that we know that these companies keep track of our data, this is how our "for you" pages are so catered to us, and how our "recommended" pages are linked to our likes and dislikes. However, we rarely think about the negative effects that are also cre